Thanking 2020 as We Journey into 2021

As the days and months progress, it often seems like we start rapidly wishing the time away as we prepare ourselves to embark on a new year before the current one has ended, especially when we have been faced with extreme challenges. Undoubtedly, 2020 has been a tough year physically,…

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Honoring Empowering Icon Helen Reddy

I woke up this morning to see that singer, actor and activist Helen Reddy made her transition. Her empowering song, I Am Woman, became an anthem for women and women’s rights. I first met Helen at the 2009 Ozark Mountain Publishing Transformation Conference in Rogers, Arkansas. As the keynote speaker,…

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2020 is a Time to Create

We have been experiencing extreme, and perhaps unprecedented, times for months now. Many states have enacted and even re-enacted stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders as well as are encouraging social distancing, wearing face masks and taking other measures as a means to combat our current global health concerns. New information is…

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Perfect Time to Spring Clean for Well-Being

Many states have enacted stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders as well as are encouraging social distancing as a means to combat our current global health concerns related to the coronavirus known as COVID-19. This is a perfect opportunity to do some Spring cleaning in our homes as well as within ourselves….

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Seeing Clearly

Sometimes, things in life happen that allow us to understand our priorities very clearly. Ultimately, you can see those as gifts. ~ Mariska Hargitay Optically speaking, 20/20 indicates clear vision. Therefore, 2020 is a time to gain clarity and to see clearly. 2020 is a time to become more aware…

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The Social Media Phenomenon

Social media is a prominent aspect in many of our lives whether we use it to socialize, as a media platform or to just aimlessly scroll as a means of relaxation. Undoubtedly this statement will date me, but I like to recognize that I remember what it was like before…

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The Technicality of Terminology

Does receiving a certificate for taking a class imply being certified or even certification? I was prompted to write this blog because I am often asked if the Reiki classes I offer are certified to which I quickly reply that from my perspective there is a misconception around the terminology….

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