Reiki Classes

Reiki classes with Shelly are not just a class; they are an experience!
~ acknowledged by several students

First and foremost, I believe Reiki is intended for you – the one who becomes attuned to it. Reiki creates a ripple effect and will assist with clearing the energetic clutter from your life, including relationships, habits and beliefs that no longer serve you in a positive, healthy and balanced way. By allowing the Reiki to flow and intentionally working with it, your life will be positively affected (in my opinion).  In addition to practicing self-Reiki, Reiki can be performed on friends, family members and even fur babies as well as a service provided to others.

This Japanese healing modality will also assist with intuitive, psychic and mediumship development. As a Reiki Master, I encourage my students to follow their intuition with hand placement and also to make Reiki their own by incorporating whatever tools they have in their tool belt. Personally speaking, I like to utilize essential oils, tuning forks, a singing bowl, pendulum and even crystals during a session. I offer suggestions to my students, but don’t dictate specific or even mandatory protocols. In addition to offering in person and online group classes, private Reiki classes are also available.

To read more about Reiki, please visit the Reiki page on my website or visit the International Center for Reiki Training website. Please know that I indicate that you have become attuned to Reiki, but I do not use the terminology certified. I invite you to read my blog, The Technicality of Terminology, to learn why.  Read Reiki class testimonials

Usui Level I – First Degree

The first degree or level of Reiki focuses on opening up the physical body so that it can accept and channel greater quantities of the life force energy. It is also a permanent attunement to the Reiki energy. Once attuned, a person may channel Reiki energy for healing oneself and others. It requires no special mindset or alteration of the thinking process to turn on or off the flow of Reiki. By simply placing one’s hands on or near the body and opening the heart to love, one automatically brings in the energy.

The first degree is the foundation for all the other degrees. A first-degree attunement affects the heart chakra, lower chakras and minor chakras of the Reiki practitioner and allows the practitioner to channel the Reiki energy through those energy centers. (information obtained from

Please contact me for more information about Reiki Level I or upcoming classes. The class includes certificate, manual and training/attunement. Online, in person  and private classes are available.

Usui Level II – Second Degree

The second degree focuses on opening the emotional body to the Reiki energy. During this class, the student learns about remote healing and mental/emotional healing. The student also learns to use symbols to increase the power from the Reiki source through the heart chakra. Second-degree attunement also affects the throat chakra and the third eye, thereby heightening intuitive abilities  and providing a wake-up call for further development of the practitioner. (information obtained from

Please contact me for more information about Reiki Level II or upcoming classes. The class includes certificate, manual and training/attunement. Online, in person  and private classes are available.

Note: I typically teach Reiki I and II together in an in person combined class for a total cost of $200. Online classes offer the levels separately. Private classes are offered at a different rate. 

Upcoming In Person Combined Reiki I/II Class ~
October 26, 2024 from 10 am to 4 pm at Langley, OK/S. Grand Lake area
Midwest City, OK/OKC, OK ~ class date to be scheduled

Usui Level III – Third Degree

This degree is the designation of the Reiki Master, a teacher of Reiki. The emphasis of the energy is on the spiritual level, opening the crown chakra-pineal gland. The student is attuned to the full Reiki energy. This level involves learning additional symbols and is able to teach and attune others. (information obtained from

Please contact me for more information about Reiki Level III or upcoming classes. The class includes certificate, manual and training/attunement. Online, in person and private classes are available. Cost is $200. Private classes are offered at a different rate. 

Upcoming In Person Reiki Master Class ~
Langley, OK/S. Grand Lake area ~ class date to be scheduled
Midwest City, OK/OKC, OK ~ class date to be scheduled

Karuna Reiki®

Created by William Lee Rand with the International Center for Reiki Training, Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in Spirit. According to the founder, “This class is for anyone who has had Reiki Master training. It is complete with two levels, two attunements, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols. We have experimented with and taught this system since 1994 and have found it to be effective and powerful. In fact, most students find it more powerful than Usui Reiki! The energy has a more definite feeling to it. It works on the emotional and spiritual levels and also can help one become more grounded. Those who receive the attunements report experiences with their guides, angels, and higher self and feel the healing presence of other enlightened beings.” (information obtained from

Please contact me for more information about Karuna Reiki® or upcoming classes. The class includes certificate, International Center for Reiki Training spiral bound manual and training/attunement. The fee is $250 per person. 

Upcoming In Person Karuna Reiki Master Class ~
Langley, OK/S. Grand Lake area ~ class date to be scheduled

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