Shelly Wilson is an intuitive medium, Reiki Master, life coach, author and inspirational speaker. Shelly has an innate ability to meet people where they are, while offering a tailored approach intended to bolster their own connection to Spirit. She illuminates each person’s unique soul key and helps individuals re-ignite their spark, while reminding them of the power they behold. During classes and private sessions, she creates a space for empowered transformation and provides practical, actionable tools. Shelly’s books, 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within, Journey into Consciousness and Embracing the Magic Within are available in paperback and eBook. She is also the creator of Cards of Empowerment and Clarity Cards. Residing in Oklahoma, Shelly has a BS in Business with a minor in Psychology. In addition, she has been tested as a medium and certified by Mark Ireland and is also listed as a provider for Helping Parents Heal, a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting parents whose children have passed.

Journey with Gratitude and Faith

I recently traveled to Camp Chesterfield in Chesterfield, Indiana, which is a historic spiritualist community founded in 1886, to present three workshops. The Friday evening drive from Indianapolis to Chesterfield provided ample time to reflect with the rush-hour traffic. As I patiently made my way to my intended destination, I…

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Journey with Clarity

When I embarked on this path in 2010, I stated from the beginning that I am not a fortune teller and will not predict your future. In every moment with every choice we are making, our life is continuously changing. Simply put, I choose to empower you rather than dis-empower…

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Journey to Well-Being and Balance

It’s also helpful to realize that this very body that we have, that’s sitting right here right now, with its aches and its pleasures, is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive. ~ Pema Chödrön We are continuously reminded of how having balance in our…

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Choosing to Let Love Lead the Way

Each of us has a responsibility, in our daily one-to-one encounters, to reach out and help each other with acts of kindness, to not be concerned with what comes back to us, to do this unselfishly. In this way, we can change the world. ~ Dr. Brian Weiss I often…

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Just Let Your Love Flow

Seek life. Feel life. Know life. Live life. Love life. Give life. Be life. ~ Alan Cohen Sometimes a song comes into your awareness and very simply reminds you to just be love! I recently presented the inspirational message and meditation at Unity of Fayetteville in Fayetteville, AR. (You can…

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