I woke up this morning to see that singer, actor and activist Helen Reddy made her transition. Her empowering song, I Am Woman, became an anthem for women and women’s rights. I first met Helen at the 2009 Ozark Mountain Publishing Transformation Conference in Rogers, Arkansas. As the keynote speaker, she spoke about spiritual power, personal responsibility and global transformation.
A few months later, I visited Sydney, Australia and had the pleasure of having a past life regression hypnotherapy session with her in her apartment. Both experiences were shared in my book, Journey into Consciousness, and I’m guided to share those excerpts with you here.
Excerpt from Chapter 2 ~ Insecurities at a Young Age
Continuing the topic about the insecurities with my teeth….
When the permanent teeth came in, they were severely discolored. Teeth whitening options were not as readily available like they are now. Even as an adult, my dentist, at the time I first addressed the issue, said that the discoloration was caused by antibiotics that were taken by my mom or when I was a child; so there wasn’t much hope or even a possible resolution. My parents made sure we had regular oral checkups, and I even had the honor of wearing an upper retainer because my teeth weren’t that crooked. Based on what I was told, I resolved that there was nothing that could be done about the coloring of my teeth, so I gave up and just accepted the color they were.
Through my early 20s and into my 30s, I would have dreams about my teeth falling out and/or being loose. My thoughts would often go to wanting to have them all pulled and get dentures. Now, looking back, this is completely crazy to even think about such a thing, especially since my teeth were healthy and relatively straight.
Dream interpretations indicate that having dreams about teeth are due to feelings of insecurity and also periods of transition. Oh, how I know this to be true! Little did I know the tooth transition that was in store for me, and it’s a transformation that started at a metaphysical conference in Arkansas!
During the Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference in June 2009, I had the honor and privilege to meet singer and actress Helen Reddy who was one of the key-note speakers at the conference. Note: I have written more about that experience in Chapter 11.
Helen is now a hypnotherapist and traveled to Arkansas for the conference from Australia. I already had a trip booked to visit Sydney the very next month. I took the opportunity to chat with her about the safety of the city as I would be spending much of the trip sight-seeing on my own. She assured me that the city was extremely safe and to forego any worries I may have. After listening to Helen speak, I was guided to approach her and ask about the possibility of having a private session with her while I was in Sydney. She smiled and wrote down her number, so that I could contact her when I arrived the following month.
Once I arrived in Sydney, I immediately called Helen to get directions for my visit the next day. I followed her instructions precisely by taking a train and then walking the rest of the distance. I was met by her at the door of her apartment. Helen immediately showed me the view from her balcony on the 13th floor overlooking Sydney Harbor, and we spoke at length before starting the session. During our chat, I told her that my friend since 6th grade thought I had gotten very strange since I had become spiritual. Her remark was “Perhaps dear, you need new friends.”
Then, we began the session. I was lying on her bed covered up with an afghan she knitted for her son when he was young as she guided me through the hypnotherapy session. The session ended when I heard a strange sound outside the window. When I asked what that sound was, she said, “That’s a laughing jackass – a Kookaburra. Do you wish to continue?” I laughed and said, “No, this is the perfect way to end the session.”
I then sat up and began speaking with her. Helen sternly but lovingly, told me that I needed to have my teeth professionally cleaned. I didn’t get upset, but told her that I do go to the dentist on a regular basis and that this was just the color of my teeth. She insisted that I do something about it. Rather than getting upset or even defensive, I recognized that she was simply the messenger.
Upon my return home, I went to my six-month checkup scheduled with my dentist and asked the dental hygienist if there was something I could do, and told her why I was asking. She relayed the message to the dentist who then asked why I was insistent, so I told him the entire story involving Helen Reddy. He laughed in disbelief, but said we could try it.
Well, guess what? You know the rest of the story…..the whitener worked. I am no longer self-conscious about my teeth, and haven’t had any more dreams about my teeth falling out. Instead, I smile from ear to ear even when no one can see me smile.
Viewing my tooth saga from a Higher perspective, I recognize that the hypnotherapy session was healing and imperative in forcing me to recognize issues that were affecting me in this lifetime. Ultimately, the message Helen delivered after my session was the reason I was there.
Excerpt from Chapter 11 ~ Transforming at the Transformation Conference
Dolores Cannon’s Ozark Mountain Publishing Transformation Conference came into my awareness in early 2009. This conference was held on June 12-14, 2009 in Rogers, Arkansas, which is just a short ninety minute drive away from my home. According to Ozark Mountain’s website, “Ozark Mountain Publishing publishes only non-fiction metaphysical and spiritual material. Our purpose is to provide readers with accurate, interesting and educational information that opens the mind to fascinating possibilities. We hope that you will take the journey with us and explore the possibilities of the Universe and Beyond.”
The website also states, “The speakers at each of the conferences will be a blend of those drawn from Ozark’s own pool of fascinating authors and others who have been invited as a complement to Ozark’s authors because they are able to speak about topics that no one else is addressing at this level. Both Transformation Conferences are aimed at those who seek transformation at a deep level for themselves, their relationships with others and for the planet.”
I truly had no idea what was in store for me that weekend. Any pre-conceived notions I may have had were quickly exceeded. I attended the conference by myself, yet did not feel the least bit alone. I attended most of the presentations and had several readings that weekend. I felt like a kid in a metaphysical candy store! This conference was my first true venture into the metaphysical realm. I did not hesitate to introduce myself to several of the authors/speakers, including Sherri Cortland, author of the books, Windows of Opportunity, Raising Our Vibrations for the New Age, and Spiritual Toolbox.
As I mentioned briefly in Chapter 2, singer and actress Helen Reddy was the keynote speaker that year. I just so happened to be traveling to Sydney, Australia in July to meet my friend. Living in Tokyo at the time, my friend was going on a business trip and invited me to join her. I had instinctively hesitated because the flight was expensive, but I knew it would be a trip of a lifetime. I understood that I may not have another opportunity presented to me like this one, and that I should forgo the financial worry and just go for it. My friend had to work, and I was going to have several days to explore the city. After finishing her work in Sydney, we would fly to Cairns where the Great Barrier Reef is located and spend a few days there sightseeing.
Making conversation, I introduced myself to Helen and asked her about Sydney since she now lives there. The next day I bought her book, The Woman I Am, and asked her to sign it for me. Helen spoke that night and talked about her spiritual journey and that she no longer entertains, but does hypnotherapy work. I should mention that she has recently come out of retirement and has scheduled a few limited engagements. Long story short….after she spoke, I stood in line to speak with her again and boldly asked if I could have a hypnotherapy session with her while I was in Sydney. I was guided to just ask the question knowing that I had a 50/50 chance of getting the YES answer I was hoping for. If I didn’t ask the question, there wasn’t a possibility at all. She looked at me and said, “Yes, here is my number. Contact me when you get there.”
To this day, I can reflect and remember those moments in time and smile. They were definitely fond memories I will always treasure! May you Rest in Peace and Power, Helen!