Thriving during the Holidays with Grace and Gratitude

Recognizing that many individuals may need a little extra love and support this time of year with the holidays, this message is intended to help you thrive with grace and gratitude. We can all benefit from more self-love and self-care, especially at this time of year.

It seems the past few years have really offered its share of challenges. While overcoming the proverbial storms we have weathered and those that may continue to arise, we are also being shown the contrasting experience and the silver lining within every experience. Throughout it all, we must remember that everything is energy and awareness is everything. Choosing to see each experience from a Higher soul perspective also enables us to view if there is a lesson being presented to us with the challenge or if it is an opportunity to learn and grow. Staying in a space of grace while embracing an attitude of gratitude assists us with this process, especially during the holiday season.

The period between Thanksgiving and New Year may stir up feelings of days gone by as well as worries related to holidays. As we recognize, the holidays can be a very stressful time for a lot of people. This stress may involve shopping for gifts and the associated financial aspects as well as the interaction with family during get-togethers. A gamut of emotions may arise as we reflect on previous holiday experiences and even remember loved ones who are no longer with us in physical form.

Please recognize that it is absolutely necessary for you to honor yourself and what you are feeling, especially during the holiday season. Consciously choose to acknowledge any emotions you are feeling. You are in control of your thoughts, words, actions, emotions and responses. You choose how you wish to perceive an experience and how you wish to respond to it. Remember, each individual is having their own unique human life experience, so it is always beneficial to be the observer whenever possible. Choosing to practice self-care and self-love will help us thrive during this time with grace and gratitude.

Unity’s Third Principle states, “Our thoughts have creative power to influence events and determine our experiences” ( Therefore, we do have the power within us to create the reality we seek and that does include setting our intentions for a peaceful holiday season. Instead of feeling stressed and overwhelmed, we can consciously and intentionally choose how we wish to feel as we approach any interaction or experience.

With that, I would like to offer you 10 tips to energetically assist you in having a stress-free holiday season or simply assist with reducing stress.
Download a pdf copy of Tips to Thrive during the Holidays with Grace and Gratitude

Tip #1 – Be Here Now

Become aware if you are dwelling in the past or constantly thinking about the future. The now is where we create. Spending time in reflection of past experiences and considering our future is part of our human life experience. We just don’t want to miss out on the present moment.

Tip #2 – Just Breathe

Breath is life-force energy. We breathe naturally/autonomously. When we breathe consciously, we have the ability to modify the energy within ourselves, which, in turn, can affect the energy around us. Focus on breathing in peace, love, ease and compassion and then exhale fear, worry and doubt. When you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, uncertain or just a bit wonky, remember to just breathe!

Tip #3 – Invest in You

Take time for you and honor your emotions. Choosing to make yourself a priority is essential. Practicing self-love and self-care are extremely important for our physical health and mental/emotional well-being. Intentionally investing time and energy in your well-being will benefit you and those around you.

Tip #4 – Honor your Emotions

In each moment, allow yourself to feel the emotion as it arises. Rather, than setting the feeling aside for later when it’s more convenient for you to feel it, begin a practice of honoring the emotion in the moment. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you!

Tip #5 – Don’t Take Things Personally

What other people say and do is a reflection or projection of their own personal reality. The same is true for you. Communicate clearly to the best of your ability and don’t take things personally.

Tip #6 – Cocoon for Clarity

In essence, cocooning involves pulling your energy in as you become more aware of energy drains, whether it be people, places or things. Gather your energy and intentionally bring it back to you. Tune in and listen to the guidance you are receiving. Cocooning may also involve resting/sleeping and establishing boundaries.

Tip #7 – Strive for Balance

Take time for you as you take time for others. Balance work with play. Balance giving with receiving. There is no need to assign a ratio for the balance. Simply choose to recognize when adjustments may be necessary.

Tip #8 – Release and Receive

Release feeling obligated to reciprocate when someone gives you a gift. Allow yourself the ability to receive without giving. Honor yourself and what you are feeling, but there is no need to hold onto the feel bad or guilt energy. Simply receive and sincerely say, “Thank you!” If you are the giver, release the expectation that a gift will be reciprocated. Be mindful of the intention behind giving.

Tip #9 – Give the Gift of You

If you typically exchange gifts with a friend, family member or co-worker, you may be guided to do something different this year. Many individuals do purchase what they need when they need it, so you may choose to forgo giving a material gift and instead give the gift of you. Plan an excursion or get together and spend time with someone you love. You may also want to volunteer your time or donate to a favorite charity or worthwhile cause. Perhaps, you may bake a special treat or create a handmade gift. These thoughtful gifts and the gift of your presence is immeasurable and greatly appreciated.

Tip #10 – Be Thankful

Gratitude is an expression of thankfulness and an acknowledgement of appreciation. Gratitude assists with the flow of abundance. Acknowledging and expressing gratitude for all you are thankful for radiates this energy out into the universe and returns in more blessings. Being grateful for the blessings within the challenges is essential as well. As often as you can, choose to express your gratitude for that which you are thankful for.

Practicing self-love and self-care every day and not just during the holiday season will create a ripple effect throughout our life. Instead of isolating yourself from others, consciously choose to empower and honor yourself with the choices that you make. Since you are mind, body and spirit, it is essential to take care of your physical and energetic health as well as your mental/emotional well-being. Rather than simply survive, you can actually thrive during this time with grace and gratitude. Unity’s First Principle is intended to comfort us as it reminds us that, “God is everywhere and always present in every circumstance. This divine energy underlies and animates all of existence” (

I wish you peace. I wish you love. I wish you joy. I wish you happiness. I hope the upcoming holidays are joyful, relaxing and stress-free!

About shellyrwilson

Shelly Wilson is an intuitive medium, Reiki Master, life coach, author and inspirational speaker. Shelly has an innate ability to meet people where they are, while offering a tailored approach intended to bolster their own connection to Spirit. She illuminates each person’s unique soul key and helps individuals re-ignite their spark, while reminding them of the power they behold. During classes and private sessions, she creates a space for empowered transformation and provides practical, actionable tools. Shelly’s books, 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within, Journey into Consciousness and Embracing the Magic Within are available in paperback and eBook. She is also the creator of Cards of Empowerment and Clarity Cards. Residing in Oklahoma, Shelly has a BS in Business with a minor in Psychology. In addition, she has been tested as a medium and certified by Mark Ireland and is also listed as a provider for Helping Parents Heal, a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting bereaved parents.

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