My First Memorable Magical Experience with the Fairies

For as long as I can remember, I have felt strongly connected to angels and illumined beings. In addition, Tinkerbell, Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother and the idea of elementals have always fascinated me, and I longed for my own magical experience with the fairies. Being human, it’s our natural instinct to question everything, including experiences that may appear to be a bit extraordinary or stories that may seem to arise from folklore. However, I can lovingly attest that fairies are real, and I have observed them with my own eyes.

Over the past few years, I have had the pleasure of visiting and presenting workshops at Lily Dale, New York, a quaint spiritualist community in Western New York, just an hour outside of Buffalo. On one of my first visits there, I overheard people talking about venturing into the Leolyn Woods, an old growth forest on the grounds, to see the fairies. Of course, I was enamored with the idea of seeing them as well. There is even a fairy trail dedicated to them lined with fairy houses built and charmingly decorated by both residents and visitors of Lily Dale. Subsequently, it wasn’t until a couple of years later, that I actually observed the fairies for myself.

The stars were aligned and synchronicity played a role during my visit to Lily Dale in August 2018. One evening, I decided to eat at Lily Dale’s Spirit Café. I was getting ready to leave and head back to my room above the Assembly Hall where I was staying. Prior to leaving, I met a woman and engaged in conversation with her. She promptly invited me to join her and her friends for a magical journey into the woods. I hesitated at first because I didn’t want to impose, then quickly remembered that I was invited. I was scheduled to teach two workshops the next day, so I needed a good night’s sleep, but didn’t want to miss this potentially once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Without further hesitation, I knew I would regret not going, so I delightfully and gratefully accepted the invitation.

Eight of us made the trek into the woods to the special place they had visited before. As the others in the group began conversing and cheerfully singing, it was just a matter of moments before our requests were honored. We had asked the fairies to come forth and show themselves to us. We were all captivated and amazed because the fairies presented quite an enchanting show. At one point, I heard in my mind a message from the fairies. They reminded me that the magic is within each one of us. We can have memorable moments, such as this time in the forest being delighted, to remind us of the magic, but we are also creating the magic for others. The message stuck with me, and I became more deeply aware of how I am able to create magic by simply smiling and acknowledging another’s presence. There is so much more I could share, but I believe that magical experience was a gift that I was meant to embrace, embody and share with others.

After my initial encounter with the fairies in Lily Dale that year, I have been guided to share more about them with others. I joyfully imparted my awareness of fairies to the attendees of the workshops I taught at Lily Dale. Each night during my stay, I led a group into the woods to experience their own fairy encounter. It was truly a pleasure to introduce others to the fairies and observe their child-like awe and wonderment. From my perspective, we are more inclined to see these beautiful beings if we believe in them first!

And here are some tips to experience your own magical fairy encounter:

1. Be present and patient. The fairies may not show themselves immediately to you. Know that you may feel a presence rather than see a presence.

2. Introduce yourself aloud. The fairies want to know who you are, which will build rapport and trust with them.

3. Proclaim your belief in their presence by stating, “I believe.” This declaration establishes clear trust. Skepticism and doubt are restrictive energies.

4. Sing, laugh and be merry. Fairies are high vibrational beings, so we can connect with them more easily when we stay in the heart space.

5. Ask permission before taking pictures. Please know that it is always a courtesy to ask and be granted permission. I have been blessed to capture them in photos a few times.

6. Express your gratitude. Thank them for making their presence known to you knowing that not everyone is able to experience the fairies in this way. They will already sense our energy of awe, wonderment, joy and delight.

About shellyrwilson

Shelly Wilson is an intuitive medium, Reiki Master, life coach, author and inspirational speaker. Shelly has an innate ability to meet people where they are, while offering a tailored approach intended to bolster their own connection to Spirit. She illuminates each person’s unique soul key and helps individuals re-ignite their spark, while reminding them of the power they behold. During classes and private sessions, she creates a space for empowered transformation and provides practical, actionable tools. Shelly’s books, 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within, Journey into Consciousness and Embracing the Magic Within are available in paperback and eBook. She is also the creator of Cards of Empowerment and Clarity Cards. Residing in Oklahoma, Shelly has a BS in Business with a minor in Psychology. In addition, she has been tested as a medium and certified by Mark Ireland and is also listed as a provider for Helping Parents Heal, a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting parents whose children have passed.

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